Des traitements permettent de générer une sensation de satiété. D'une grande utilité pour les personnes obèses, ces médicaments sont malheureusement…


Dans la majorité des cas, le syndrome de Diogène s'accompagne d'autres troubles psychiques et les personnes concernées ne cherchent jamais d'aide.

Vous reprendrez bien une petite pilule?

La consommation de médicaments en Suisse est en constante augmentation depuis 30 ans. Pourtant, 85% de la population s'estime en bonne santé.

«Certains enfants ne parlent pas, mais répètent ce qu’ils entendent sur YouTube»

L’exposition intense aux écrans peut induire des problèmes de développement chez les enfants, mais on ignore encore les effets à long terme.


Une étude met en lumière pourquoi l'on devient plus résilient-e en observant un-e proche vivre une expérience traumatisante.

Des neurones en location

Une entreprise vaudoise travaille sur un calculateur vivant afin de repenser l’intelligence artificielle.


Seniors tous accros?

Chez les plus de 65 ans les symptômes de dépendance à l'alcool sont souvent interprétés, à tort, comme des effets du vieillissement.

These regions where people live longer

Areas of the world with above-average longevity could serve as a model for improving the health of the elderly in Switzerland.

Getting up early is bad for teens’ health

The biological clock shifts during adolescence. Hormonal changes delay falling asleep and waking up. According to experts, school schedules should…

The sense of smell, DIAGNOSTIC TOOL

Body odors provide much information about a person's condition. Hirac Gurden is a specialist in how they affect the brain.

Red meat: the end of a myth?

Traditionally promoted as an important source of iron and protein, red meat tends to lose its reputation.

My shrink is an AI

More and more AI-powered mental health platforms and applications are available. They are mainly useful as a supplementary tool.

Screens claim lives on the road

Fatal accidents due to inattention exceed those caused by alcohol. Aggravated by our growing reliance on screens, the phenomenon is causing concerns.

Cod skin to regenerate human skin

Considered waste, fish skin can actually speed up healing.

A less surgical Cesarean section

Preparation, co-parent involvement, and informed consent are key elements for participatory C-sections.

The mysteries of breastfeeding

An exhibition in Lausanne explores breast milk by sharing scientific knowledge and stories of women.

Medecine andsustainability: the challenge of the century

By treating the population, the healthcare pollutes enormously. Faced with the scale of the climate crisis, medicine must adjust its practices to…

Sortir du silence

Les troubles de l’audition touchent près de 15% de la population suisse.

“We’re not as free as we would like to think we are” Samah Karaki

This doctor of neuroscience believes that talent is not an innate ability. She calls into question the entire system of meritocracy.

Child victims of sexual abuse: how to break the silence?

No social class or background is spared. Sexual violence against minors is omnipresent.

Transgender youths

Requests for sexual reassignment are rising, especially from teenagers. How can we help them?

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Trouble courant, le stress n'est pas toujours pris au sérieux. Or, il est capital de s'en occuper.

From the asylum to the hospital, humanizing care

In the 19th century, the line between psychiatric asylum and prison was blurred. Within a century, the discipline's modernization also came with…


En constante augmentation au sein de la population, le burn-out reste difficile à diagnostiquer.

Adults with ADHD: finding the source of the pain

Often masked by other psychiatric disorders or addictions, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity can be difficult to diagnose in…


Racial discrimination against healthcare workers remains taboo, but its consequences can also hurt patients.

Well done!

The CHUV’s sterilisation unit disinfects the hospital’s surgical instruments.

Healthcare system at risk

In Switzerland, there are not enough general practitioners available to meet the needs of the population.

[Translate to Anglais:] Photo : Gilles Weber

Sebastien Jotterand: “A general practitioner can solve 19 out of 20 cases”

As a general practitioner and teacher, Sébastien Jotterand is trying to cope with the fallout of the GP shortage.

Alcohol: how to avoid the pitfalls of addiction

Alcohol is often synonymous with conviviality. Reducing its consumption, or stopping it altogether, can be a real challenge.

The phenomenon of early puberty

For reasons that remain mysterious, puberty starts at an increasingly early age

Ketamine for treating severe depression

Well-dosed, this substance is used in anesthesia and as an antidepressant.

A new way to walk the walk

Walking is a real health asset. It strengthens the cardiovascular system and mental health by reducing stress and anxiety.


La dépression post-partum touche près d’une femme sur cinq. Maladie taboue, elle entraîne souvent un décalage émotionnel et un isolement social.

Recovering faster after surgery

By rethinking practices around surgery, we can minimize complications and significantly improve well-being.

Éjaculation: l’enjeu du timing

Taboue, l’éjaculation précoce peut engendrer beaucoup de souffrances. Des solutions existent.

Les premières femmes médecins

Pour la première fois, la portée et le sens du projet de «médecine féminine» qui s'est développé entre 1867 et 1939 sont étudiés.

Doing something about acne

About one in five teens and young adults is forced to cope with moderate to severe acne. But solutions increasingly targeted treatments exist to fight…

Connected health

Not just wildly popular, health apps offer real help in monitoring an illness or staying in shape. Plus, they play an important role in motivation.…

DEHP, perturbateur endocrinien

Breveté dès 1949, le DiEthyl-Hexyl Phthalate, phtalate de di-2-éthylhexyle ou phtalate de bis, de son petit nom DEHP, fut d’emblée très populaire.

Dina Bader: “No one would have interviewed me about this topic ten years ago”

Legally, nothing distinguishes excision from cosmetic operations on the genitalia. The researcher shows how ethnocentrism influences perception of…

Obsessed with healthy eating

Having an excessive preoccupation with the quality of your food can be harmful to your health.

I think therefore I walk

Artificial intelligence is making incredible breakthroughs in healthcare. The technology has now enabled a paraplegic patient to regain control of his…

When emotions take over the heart

Intense emotions can lead to a serious heart condition that looks like a heart attack and mainly affects women: broken heart syndrome.

En simulation d’urgence

Le service des urgences organise depuis 2012 des formations sur mannequin durant lesquelles les équipes reproduisent des situations réelles.

OCD: the doubt disorder

Too often underestimated, obsessive-compulsive disorders affect many people who do not have access to appropriate treatment.

Comment entraîner son cerveau

Les capacités cérébrales varient beaucoup d’une personne à l’autre. Mais quelques pratiques de bon sens permettent de les optimiser.

Social medicine on the front line

Social and community healthcare practices can dramatically change the living conditions of less visible populations, without costing a fortune.


L’acide gamma-hydroxybutyrique, ou GHB, est souvent appelé la «drogue du viol».

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LSD treatment, without addiction

Psychedelic microdosing can be used to treat depression, migraine or post-traumatic stress. Close-up of an increasingly popular phenomenon.