Agenda du CHUV

Integrating palliative care in other healthcare settings

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The Palliative and Supportive Care Service, IUFRS, and IHM CHUV-UNIL, invite you to Prof. Dr. Sandra Martins Pereira’s conference: "Integrating palliative care in other healthcare settings: Ethical perspectives and implications"

Tuesday 4th February 2025, 16h30-17h30, Auditoire Alexandre Yersin, CHUV

The Palliative and Supportive Care Service of the CHUV, IUFRS and IHM CHUV-UNIL are pleased to invite you to the conference, delivered in English and hybrid format, by Prof. Dr. Sandra Martins Pereira
FCT Principal Investigator at CEGE, Research Center in Management and Economics, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal

« Developing complex interventions for the integration of palliative care across clinical settings: An overview of ethical perspectives and implications »

Developing complex interventions for the integration of palliative care across clinical settings is a way to improve healthcare and prioritize patient-centered and family-centered approaches. This is particularly the case for patients with complex palliative care needs; for instance, in Intensive Care, Burn Intensive Care, Nursing Homes, Psychiatry, Pneumology, and Oncology.

EU-funded projects, such as In-Touch (persons with advanced dementia), EU PAL-COPD (persons with advanced COPD), and Pal-Cycles (persons with advanced cancer) will be showcased. The ethical implications (e.g., ethics of care, equity and justice, decision-making processes) and research ethics challenges occurring during the implementation of these projects will be explored.


16:30 Introduction, Prof. Philip Larkin, chaire de soins palliatifs infirmiers, CHUV-UNIL

16:40 Conference, Prof. Dr. Sandra Martins Pereira, FCT Principal Investigator at CEGE, Research Center in Management and Economics, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal

17:20 Discussion and conclusion

Recognition of 1 credit for continuing education in palliative medicine – Swiss Society of Palliative Medicine and Care (